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~Sri Ishopanishad, Mantra Ten
For one who lives a hedonistic life, a life in which nescience is cultivated, the results are envy, anger, greed, impatience, disrespect for others, anxiety, depression, hatred, ever-increasing lust, forgetfulness, frustration, dissatisfaction, duplicity, fear of death, and so on.
Quotes by Jagad Guru Chris Butler (Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa)
© Science of Identity Foundation
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Jagad Guru Chris Butler, Science of Identity Foundation
Just as there is no perfectly simple way to explain a complex principle of physics or biochemistry to a layman, so there is no perfectly simple way to explain the subtle material technology known to the yogis.
Jagad Guru Chris Butler, Science of Identity Foundation
* Because the word “guru” means teacher, it is often used to refer to teachers of all kinds—be they teachers of music, ayurvedic medicine, cooking, etc. The title “Jagad Guru” is normally used to refer to yoga masters who have disciples all around the world from different places, nationalities, faiths, etc. However, in the deepest sense, “Jagad Guru” means a yoga master whose teachings are relevant to and can be applied in the personal lives of every person—regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, or sect.